Sustainability Tips

Selection of tips and ideas to make our society and travel habits more sustainable and environmental friendly.

The sustainable Doughnut Economy

Doughnut Economy

Sustainability Blog Doughnut Economy 17.5 The Doughnut Economy A sustainable economy is a win, win for everyone. Therefore since April 2020 the city of Amsterdam is planning to introduce the so-called Economical Doughnut model into the management of its city. This diagram was developed by Oxford economist Kate Raworth and looks like a doughnut. It is

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Izhcayluma sustainable eco lodge


Sustainability Blog Izhcayluma 14.5 Izhcayluma Eco Lodge Many new (fancy) Eco Lodges aim on high end tourism, which makes them vulnerable to fluctuations and often put them out of price range for national tourism. Instead the rustic Izhcayluma Eco Lodge in Vilcabamba, Ecuador has come close to implementing many of the recommendations about sustainable tourism.

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Safari wildlife tourism in Africa

Sustainable projects

Sustainability Blog Sustainable projects 14.4 Sustainable tourist projects   A search online will provide you with hundreds of projects that call themselves sustainable. To know which projects are really sustainable will take proper research and will depend on which conditions you set before calling a project sustainable. Several international sustainability organizations together, including Green Destinations

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CO2 and GHG emissions

CO2 Responsability

Sustainability Blog CO2 Responsability 7.5 The responsibility for carbon footprints   To what extent should Western consumers take responsibility for the things they buy and do? If, say, a UK consumer purchases a TV manufactured in China, which nation should take responsibility for the emissions incurred during its manufacture? This dilemma illustrates two different accounting

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CO2 carbon offset from Amazon Rainforest

Carbon offset

Sustainability Blog Carbon offset 15.2 Natural carbon sequestration and offsets   Although it is difficult to calculate exact numbers, several studies prove that earth is still absorbing more CO2 from the air then it produces naturally. This absorbing, also called CO2 sequestration, or carbon offset happens through many natural life systems including: plants, trees, soil,

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Poverty in relation to climate change

Poverty and environment

Sustainability Blog Poverty and environment 9. The relation between poverty and our environment   There are interesting relationships between wealth and environmental impact. Wealthy people are generally the biggest consumers and leave the biggest carbon footprint. However the poor are often bigger polluters in terms of dumping rubbish, illegal mining, poaching, and burning forests for

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